Montseny is a mountainous massif which lies in three areas: Vallès Oriental, Osona and La Selva. It is made up of three well-differentiated mountain ranges: el Pla de la Calma (1.344 m); el turó de l’Home (1.706 m) i les Agudes (1.706 m), and, finally, the Matagalls Hill (1,697 m). These three mountain ranges are joined together by saddlebacks.
A large part of this massif belongs to the protected area of the Montseny Natural Park.

Biosphere Reserve
The Montseny natural park was declared Biosphere Reserve in 1978, forming part of the international network of protected areas which represent the main types of global ecosystems.

The Montseny Biosphere Reserve is a mosaic of Mediterranean and Central European landscapes of extraordinary biodiversity. The Mediterranean and Central European forests stand out among the landscapes, in which you can find forests of cork oaks, holm oaks, beech trees, chestnut trees, pine and fir tree forests, as well as areas with the rich diversity of highland herbs. Numerous water streams are bordered by riverside woods of poplars, willows, hazels and ash trees. The fauna varies from typical Mediterranean species to characteristic species of Central European ecosystems, such as the gray dormouse, European green lizard and Zamennis longissimus snake. There are also high mountain species such as the red frog and the Montseny triton which was recently described after having been identified as a species different from the Pyrenean triton. Entomological fauna is also very varied with the rich diversity of butterfly species.

On the other hand, throughout history local communities have been able to take advantage of the goods and services offered by the ecosystems of the environment in such a way that these ecosystems have been preserved over time maintaining their health and ecological integrity. This has been achieved through traditional livestock farming and forestry exploitation, which is an engine for the economy of the area. Although in recent decades the most traditional activities have been in decline, having enhanced the diversity of tourist activity (which makes up the most significant percentage of Montseny economy), the Montseny Biosphere Reserve continues to gain more weight being a clear example of the sustainable development models implementation.

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Turó de L\'Home: 41.792202, 2.401437
Les Agudes: 41.789501, 2.443899
Matagalls: 41.808785, 2.382683
Pla de la Calma: 41.767818, 2.332511
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