European Charter for Sustainable Tourism is a management tool that helps protected areas continually improve the development of tourism activity, taking into account the needs of the environment, the local population and local tourism companies.

ECST was created with an idea of guaranteeing the fact that public use of the natural park will be developed in a way compatible with the conservation, minimizing negative impacts of tourism and contributing to the local socioeconomic development which generates tourism activity.

The Charter is based on 10 fundamental principles:
-Work in collaboration involving all the parts related to the tourism of the natural park for the development and management of the natural space.
-Define a strategy and an action plan in medium term (5 years) in favor of sustainable tourism development.
-Protection and valuation of the natural and cultural heritage.
-Offer high quality experience to visitors.
-Provide adequate information to visitors.
-Promote genuine tourism products.
-Expand knowledge about the issues of the protected natural area and sustainability.
-Guarantee the improvement of tourist activity without reducing life quality of the local population.
-Increase the benefits of tourism for the local economy.
-Control the flow of visitors to reduce negative impacts.

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