6 SENSES. Path around Montseny

A hiking route that allows you to not only enjoy but engage with its landscapes, unique people and impressive region

During the route you will be able to smell the vegetation, discover local products, hear the fauna of the park and listen to the explanations of the people who will take you to unexpected places; you will be offered different gastronomic proposals and be able to experience the flora and handmade products personally while at the same time improving and protecting the region and its economy so that people can continue to live and work in a more sustainable manner.


It is a circular route, therefore, although the departure point is marked at El Brull, it can start at any point on the overnight stay.
As it is a sustainable route, the proposal is to arrive by train and walk from the station to the Brull lodging on the first day.



0 €

Euros delivered

78 km

Total distance

1.255 m

Accumulated unevenness

  • Day 1. From la Plana de Vic to the Massis ski resorts

    Optional stage arriving at Brull by public transport. You will get off at the Balenyà-Tona-Seva (R3) train station where your route will begin.

    Technical data: Distance: 13km

    Today we will go from the fields of La Plana and its restored farmhouses to L’alzinar which is closed to the west side of Montseny. We will walk through the plains and the pine forest path and continue from Albareda torrent to the farmhouse of La Casanova de Figueroles.  We will then go along the Masset path to El Brull and follow the path of l’alzina bonica to Mas de la Castanyera and La Morera


  • Day 2. Spring, stream, gorges and farmhouses full of stories and legends

    El Brull – Coll font Pomereta – Torrent de Rentadors – La Sala – Viladrau

    Technical data: Distance: 11Km | Positive gap: 435m | Negative gap: 520m

    Today’s stage will take us to the Pomareta spring, an emblematic point between the two municipalities of Brull and Seva. From the mountain of Sala we will have a spectacular view of the Vall del Ter and the Pyrenees, passing over the wild Rentadors stream, an ancient path used by charcoal burners who used to walk in the most extreme solitude. Today it is full of stories and legends that will accompany us along the way, such as the legend of the Paitides in the gorges.  In addition, we will pass in front of the farmhouse of La Sala, birthplace of the bandit Joan Sala i Ferren “Serrallonga”.


  • Day 3. The pilgrimage territory. Hermitage, Sanctuary and Monastery

    Viladrau – L’Erola – Sant Segimon-Matagalls – Sant Marçal

    Technical data: Distance: 15km | Positive gap: 860m | Negative gap: 595m

    Today we will do the Matagalls from the West to the East. We will start the stage on the way to the hermitage of l’Erola, where the image of the Virgen Mary and patron saint of Viladrau and the Monastery of Sant Segimon were found, both  rich in history and fruit of the devotion and effort of the villagers. We will walk along the Matagalls face, the third highest peak of the Montseny, with spectacular views of Osona and Ripollès to the north and Vallès and Barcelona to the south.


  • Day 4. From the pass and the Taula dels Tres Bisbes to the valley of Santa Fe del Montseny

    Sant Marçal – Les Agudes – Santa Fe

    Technical data: Distance: 10km | Positive gap: 610m | Negative gap: 580m

    From the Taula dels tres bisbes, where La Tordera is born, we will go through beech trees and land covered with large stones to the crest of Les Agudes (second summit of the Montseny). At this point, the Arbúcies and Santa Fe valleys open imposingly, where up to 40 varieties of apples can be found.


  • Day 5. Neuralgic center of the Park, path through the avetosa and gerderes

    Santa Fe del Montseny – Turó de l’Home – Montseny

    Technical data:  Distance: 11km | Positive gap: 585m | Negative gap: 1.180m

    Today we have to gather strength because we will climb to the highest peak of Montseny, El Turó de l’Home, through the Vall de Santa fe, through a steep path. We will continue descending through paths of beech trees, old pastures, hundred-year-old chestnut trees and peri-urban orchards, until we reach the town of Montseny.


  • Day 6. From La Vall to the high and inhospitable high plateau in the winter stages

    Poble de Montseny – El Cafè – Pla de la Calma – Collformic – El Brull

    Technical data:  Distance: 18km. Route can be shortened | Positive gap: 740m | Negative gap: 270m

    From Montseny to Sant Martí and Sant Cristòfol de la Castanya up to the pla Del cafè, symbolic space of shepherds’ meeting and high plateau oriented towards the gorge. An imposing and solitary forest leads us to Brull and the end of our adventure.



Suggested self-guided itinerary – From 769,20 €


  • Welcome by the local guide in English
  • 7 nights of accommodation and luch or half-board
  • Daily delivery of GPS with tracks and a map
  • All the tourist information about the route and tourist sites
  • A phone number in case of problems
  • Luggage transfer between lodgings
  • Basket with local products, at the end of the route



  • Flights
  • Drop off
  • Pick up at Barcelona airport, bus terminal or train station on the first day and transfer from Barcelona to the airport or departure point.
  • Optional: Transfer from Barcelona to Montseny the first day.


With the hiring of this package, 3% of the total cost will go to some entity in the territory that works for its conservation or preservation. This year, the three proposals will be:

Arremangades, association of Women of the Montseny as part of the days of recognition of the wisdom of older women of the Biosphere Reserve.

Programs for the preservation and conservation of wildlife species of the Natural Science Museum of Granollers

Voluntariat Ambiental Volunteer Program “Participate in the park”



    This action has the financing of actions in the Biosphere Reserves in Catalonia in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by Next Generation Fund.

    6 SENTITS.Camí del Montseny

    Ruta senderista que us permet gaudir i participar
    de paisatges, de persones úniques i d’un
    territori impressionant

    Durant la ruta podreu olorar la vegetació, descobrir els productes locals, escoltar la fauna del parc i també les explicacions de les persones que us portaran a racons insospitats; tastareu propostes gastronòmiques molt diverses; i podreu tocar la flora i els productes artesans. I mentre feu tot això, estareu participant de la millora i protecció d’aquest territori, la seva economia, fent que les persones hi puguin continuar vivint i treballant de manera més sostenible.


    Es tracta d’una ruta circular, per tant, tot i que la sortida està marcada al Brull, es pot iniciar en qualsevol punt de pernoctació.
    Atès que és una ruta sostenible, la proposta és arribar amb tren i caminar el primer dia de l’estació fins a l’allotjament del Brull.



    0 €

    Euros entregats

    78 km

    Distància total

    1.255 m

    Desnivell acumulat (mitjana)

    • Dia 1. De la Plana de Vic als contraforts del Massís

      Etapa opcional amb arribada al Brull amb transport públic. Heu de baixar a la parada de tren de Balenyà-Tona-Seva (R3) i a partir d’aquí comença la vostra ruta.

      Dades tècniques: Distància: 13km

      Avui anirem dels camps de la Plana i les masies restaurades a l’alzinar tancat del ponent Montsenyec. Trepitgem les lloses i el camí de pins, el torrent de l’Albareda fins a la masia de La Casanova de Figueroles, per després endinsar-nos pel camí del Masset fins El Brull i camí de l’alzina bonica fins al Mas de la Castanyera i La Morera


    • Dia 2. Font, torrent, gorgs i masos plens d’històries i llegendes

      El Brull – Coll font Pomereta – Torrent de Rentadors – La Sala – Viladrau

      Dades tècniques: Distància: 11Km | Desnivell positiu: 435m | Desnivell negatiu: 520m

      L’etapa d’avui ens portarà al sot de la font Pomareta, punt emblemàtic entre els dos termes del Brull i Seva. Des de la muntanya d’en Sala tindrem una vista espectacular a la Vall del Ter i els Pirineus, passant pel sot feréstec del torrent de Rentadors, un antic camí de carboners que feinejaven en la solitud més extrema. El dia d’avui està plegat d’històries i llegendes que ens acompanyaran al llarg del camí, com la llegenda de les Paitides als gorgs.  A més, passarem per davant de la masia de La Sala casa nadiua del Bandoler Joan Sala i Ferrer, conegut popularment com a “Serrallonga”.


    • Dia 3. El territori de pelegrinatge. Ermita, Santuari i Monestir

      Viladrau – L’Erola – Sant Segimon-Matagalls – Sant Marçal

      Dades tècniques: Distància: 15km | Desnivell positiu: 860m | Desnivell negatiu: 595m

      Avui farem el Matagalls d’oest a est. Iniciarem l’etapa pel camí de l’ermita de l’Erola, imatge trobada i patrona de Viladrau i el Monestir de Sant Segimon, ambdues manifestacions amb molta història i fruit de la devoció i esforç de veïnes. Caminarem per la carena del Matagalls, el tercer cim més alt del Montseny, amb vistes espectaculars a Osona i Ripollès al nord  i Vallès i Barcelona al sud; per arribar, ja de baixada passarem pel monestir benedictí de Sant Marçal.


    • Dia 4. Del coll de Sant Marçal i la Taula dels Tres Bisbes a la Vall de Santa Fe del Montseny

      Sant Marçal – Les Agudes – Santa Fe

      Dades tècniques: Distància: 10km | Desnivell positiu: 610m | Desnivell negatiu: 580m

      Des del coll de Sant Marçal, on neix La Tordera, pujarem per fagedes i tarteres a la cresta de Les Agudes (segon cim del Montseny). En aquest punt s’obre imponent la Vall d’Arbúcies i la de Santa Fe indrets emblemàtics on s’hi collien fins a 40 varietats de pomes.


    • Dia 5. Centre neuràlgic del Parc, camí per l’avetosa i gerderes

      Santa Fe del Montseny – Turó de l’Home – Montseny

      Dades tècniques:  Distància: 11km | Desnivell positiu: 585m | Desnivell negatiu: 1.180m

      Avui hem d’agafar forces perquè pujarem al cim més alt del Montseny, el Turó de l’Home, a través de la Vall de Santa Fe del Montseny, per una avetosa. I continuarem baixant per camins de falgueres i antigues pastures, castanyers centenaris  i alzinars, fins arribar al municipi de Montseny.


    • Dia 6. De la vall a l’altiplà ramader en les etapes hivernals

      Poble de Montseny – El Cafè – Pla de la Calma – Collformic – El Brull

      Dades tècniques:  Distància: 18km. Possibilitat d’escurçar la ruta | Desnivell positiu: 740m | Desnivell negatiu: 270m

      De Montseny fins a Sant Martí i Sant Cristòfol de la Castanya per pujar en una forta marrada al Pla del Cafè, espai simbòlic de trobada de pastores i altiplà orientat al congost. Una fageda imponent i solitària ens porta fins al Brull, final de la nostra aventura.



    Proposta itinerari autoguiat – A partir de 769,20 €


    • Benvinguda
    • 7 nits d’allotjament i esmorzar o mitja pensió
    • Entrega diària de GPS amb tracks i un mapa
    • Tota la informació turística sobre la ruta i els llocs turístics
    • Un número de telèfon en cas de problemes
    • Trasllat de maletes entre allotjaments
    • Cistella amb productes del territori, al final de la ruta



    • Vols
    • Begudes
    • Recollida a l’aeroport de Barcelona, ​​terminal d’autobusos o estació de tren el primer dia i trasllat des de Barcelona a l’aeroport o punt de partida.
    • Opcional: Trasllat des de Barcelona a Montseny el primer dia.


    Amb la contractació d’aquest paquet, un 3% del cost total anirà destinat a alguna entitat del territori que treballa per la conservació o la preservació d’aquest. Enguany, les tres propostes seran:

    Arremangades, associació de dones del Montseny en el marc de les Jornades de reconeixement de la saviesa de les dones grans de la Reserva de la Biosfera.

    Programes de preservació i conservació d’espècies de fauna del Museu Ciències Natural de Granollers

    Programa de Voluntariat Ambiental “Participa al parc”



      Aquesta acció compta amb el finançament d’actuacions a les reserves de la biosfera a Catalunya en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançat amb fons Next Generation.

      Experiences at Montseny

      Do you want to spend a few days in Montseny discovering its history, tasting its cuisine or enjoying its landscapes?

      Consult our catalog of experiences. Up to 35 proposals of different duration and theme so that you can immerse yourself in the most unique and indigenous life that takes place in this wonderful Montseny Biosphere Reserve.

      Forest bath + BTT

      Forest bath + BTT

      Santa Maria de Palautordera

      Connect with yourself in nature. Enjoy a forest bath and a pleasant ride on a mountain bike or electric bike.

      + information

      Surprise wine and food blend tasting experience

      Surprise wine and food blend tasting experience

      Sant Esteve de Palautordera

      Enjoy the tastes and aromas of the Montseny mountains at Can Marc.

      + information

      The Path of Mountain Tastes

      The Path of Mountain Tastes


      Enjoy a day in nature full of forest flavors.

      + information

      ``Calçotada`` in Mas Vilar

      ``Calçotada`` in Mas Vilar


      Gastronomy rooted in the land, in a unique rural environment

      + information

      Romantic weekend at Montseny

      Romantic weekend at Montseny

      Sant Esteve de Palautordera

      Enjoy a very relaxing getaway with your partner.

      + information

      Relax at Montseny

      Relax at Montseny

      Sant Esteve de Palautordera

      Break from the daily routine and let yourself be taken care of at the gates of the Montseny Natural Park

      + information

      Meetings at the heart of Montseny

      Meetings at the heart of Montseny

      Town of Montseny

      Organize your meetings in spaces in spaces in the middle of nature

      + information

      Swimming pool experience

      Swimming pool experience

      Town of Montseny

      Enjoy this summer experience at Can Barrina, a unique accommodation in the heart of Montseny.

      + information

      Tourdera Route

      Tourdera Route

      Several villages

      Enjoy a 5-day route through the Montseny Natural Park, following the Tordera River.

      + information

      Live the most unprecedented montseny

      Live the most unprecedented montseny


      We will connect with nature, observe the landscape and work with wool.

      + information

      Mushroom mad

      Mushroom mad


      This is a weekend dedicated to diving into ‘the deep end of Nature’ and finding out about the fascinating world of mushrooms.

      + information

      Herbs for health

      Herbs for health


      Nature weekends to fully enjoy and learn about the herbs and plants and their traditional uses.

      + information

      Chestnut trees and chesnut roasting experience

      Chestnut trees and chesnut roasting experience

      Viladrau - Arbúcies

      Mas Romeu and Castanya de Viladrau are two places that will give you a glimpse of the hidden corners of the Montseny!

      + información

      Ratafia, the liquor of the territory

      Ratafia, the liquor of the territory

      Town of Montseny

      Colours, smells and tastes are part of this fun experience that takes place in the middle of the ParcNatural del Montseny

      + information

      The hidden colours of nature

      The hidden colours of nature

      Town of Montseny

      Guided route through the heart of the Montseny Natural Park to discover its color

      + information

      Montseny mountains and the Circus!

      Montseny mountains and the Circus!

      Sant Esteve de Palautordera

      Enjoy a day at the circus with the family in the middle of nature.

      + information

      Popular modernism

      Popular modernism

      La Garriga

      Guided tour through the modernism of the Garriga.

      + information

      Once upon a time...an omen

      Once upon a time...an omen

      La Garriga

      Guided visit to the Roman Village

      + information

      Wake up Holmes! The case of Doma...

      Wake up Holmes! The case of Doma...

      La Garriga

      ⁠A detective game to discover the church of La Doma in a different way.

      + information




      Enjoy an DIgital Escape Room in the fresh air. Discover the enchanting aspects of this area transported by one of the most mysterious, long-lasting and most fantastic legends of the Montseny mountains, The Lady of the Water.

      + information

      Exploring the reddish history of the stones at El Brull

      Exploring the reddish history of the stones at El Brull

      El Brull

      Program Tastes of nature and culture in Montseny

      + information

      Discover the Viscounty of Cabrera

      Discover the Viscounty of Cabrera


      Discover the legacy of one of the most powerful lineages of medieval Catalonia while walking through Montseny

      + information

      The Iberians: culture and gastronomy in Montseny

      The Iberians: culture and gastronomy in Montseny

      Cànoves i Samalús

      Discover the Iberian past in the Montseny Natural Park, full of flavors

      + information

      Discover the legends Santa Fe del Montseny

      Discover the legends Santa Fe del Montseny

      Fogars de Montclús

      Fireside stories from Santa Fe del Montseny, told by its local people.

      + information

      Guided visits to the Iberian Fortification of Montgròs

      Guided visits to the Iberian Fortification of Montgròs

      El Brull

      A quiet walk around the Brull.

      + information

      Joan Sala i Ferrer “Serrallonga” from Bandit to Fame

      Joan Sala i Ferrer “Serrallonga” from Bandit to Fame


      Stories of banditry in the Montseny Natural Park

      + information

      The forest fruit

      The forest fruit


      Kilometre 0 treasure in the Valley of the Matagalls mountain.

      + information

      Montseny, the sweest flavour

      Montseny, the sweest flavour

      Sant Esteve de Palautordera

      Discover the world of chocolate by Lluís Costa, master pastry chef

      + information

      Make a paella a Mas Romeu

      Make a paella a Mas Romeu


      Enjoy a gastronomic experience at Mas Romeu! This is a collaborative proposal that means cooking with the owners of Mas Romeu

      + information

      Visit the farm + BTT

      Visit the farm + BTT

      Santa Maria de Palautordera

      Enjoy a different day with family or friends, pedaling among nature and discovering the secrets of life on the Farm.

      + information

      Visit with key to the medieval town of Hostalric

      Visit with key to the medieval town of Hostalric


      Become the master or mistress of the medieval town of Hostalric with the visit with a key!

      + information

      Theatrical visit at hostalric’s castle

      Theatrical visit at hostalric’s castle


      Participate in a pleasant and fun theatrical visit to solve the mess.

      + information

      6 senses.Path of Montseny

      6 senses.Path of Montseny


      Trekking route.From the Col of Sant Marçal and the Table of Three Bishops to the Valley of Santa Fe del Montseny

      + information

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      6 senses. Path of Montseny


      Ruta circular de senderism
      The territory of pilgrimage. Hermitage, sanctuary and monastery.

      + information

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      El Brull-Viladrau

      Circular trekking route
      Springs, torrents, gorges and farms full of stories and legends

      + information

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      Sant Miquel de Balenyà (Seva) - El Brull

      Circular trekking route.
      From the Plana de Vic to the foothills of the Massís

      + information

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      Montseny-El Brull

      Circular trekking route
      From the Tordera valley to the cattle plateau of Calma

      + information

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      6 senses. Path of Montseny

      Fogars de Montclús - Montseny

      Circular trekking route
      The Park’s neuralgic center, path through the spruce and raspberry trees

      + information

      This action counts on the financing of actions in the biosphere reserves in Catalonia within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed with Next Generation funds.

      Can Llobet

      CAN LLOBET – slow rural space
      Carretera BV-5114, Km.12
      08479 – Fogars de Montclús
      Tel: 618 44 63 73

      Capacity 19 people

      Book this accommodation

      Can Llobet is a rural experience dream

      The space is immersed in the Montseny natural park, a biosphere reserve declared by UNESCO (*).

      Located in the middle of a natural oasis, it is surrounded by spectacular forests with easily accessible paths, where you will enjoy pleasant walks and excursions while discovering the diversity of the environment.

      Can Llobet is a traditional Catalan farmhouse which has more than 300 years of history that moves you to rural origins. It has a cozy living room with a dining room and a charming corner with a fireplace. All 7 rooms have a private bathroom.

      The house is surrounded by large panoramic gardens surround the house, which make you enjoy the outside and the impressive landscape beauty of the middle valley of Tordera, Montnegre-Corredor and Serralada Litoral. On clear days you can see as far as the Mediterranean Sea, a setting for relaxing at any time.

      At Can Llobet we like to value the life of the past: restful, simple, immersed in nature. We take care of the service so that you find yourself in an ideal setting to regain calm, regenerate energy and reconnect with life.

      We are waiting for  you with open arms to welcome you and tell you much more.

      Espai de Natura Can Lluís

      Disseminat afores 133
      08469 – Fogars de Montclús
      +34 938 444 105

      Capacity 50 people

      L’Espai de Natura Can Lluís is a perfect space to welcome groups who are organizing activities, celebrations, familiar parties, workshops…up to 50 people in the heart of Montseny Natural Park.

      It has got 40 hectares of land to make group excursions and enjoy from the wonderful sights of Montseny.

      Oli el Rifer

      Mas el Rifer
      08470 Fogars de Montclús
      932 317 511

      EL RIFER Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the fruit of our olive trees in Fogars de Montclús, in the foothills of the Montseny.
      EL RIFER Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the fruit of our olive trees in Fogars de Montclús, in the foothills of the Montseny. The oil is extracted at the Roch de Sant Fruitós del Bages Mill, where the olives arrive in record time, having been collected by mechanical methods from the more than 25,000 trees which are harvested. The olives are harvested at the ideal point of ripeness, meaning that they give up their oil in its purest state, offering an unrivalled aroma and taste. The result is a unique oil, with a distinctly fruity scent free of practically any bitterness or sharpness.
      The distinctive location of our olive trees and the microclimate of the Montseny foothills give us exceptional harvests of our various varieties of olive, mostly arbequina, along with small quantities of marteña, picual and manzanilla.

      Restaurant Avet Blau


      Ctra. Sant Celoni a Sant Marçal BV-5114, km 21
      08470 Fogars de Montclús
      653 76 78 90

      Capacity 140 people
      Festive day MondayHolidays Parties of Christmas
      Holidays On Monday and Tuesday (except holidays). Holiday in August: On Mondays
      Opening hours off From Wednesday to Friday from 11am to 5pm
      On Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 09.30am to 7pm

      We are privileged to be situated in one of the most spectacular natural environments in Catalonia, the Natural Park of Montseny. We’re close to some trekking paths, which will lead you to some of the highest picks in the park, such as Turó de l’Home and Agudes. The Santa Fe valley offers you some amazing views with its lush beech wood in all seasons of the year.

      Come and spend a weekend in our hotel, in the middle of this beautiful environment and discover the forests in Santa Fe del Montseny valley. Enjoy the local gastronomy in the restaurant and the nature while doing some trekking paths from our hotel. Discovering the legends from the valley, the flora and fauna, the walking and VTT tours will be some of the activities we propose you!


      Activity presentation:
      The gastronomic offer in Avet Blau is based on the traditional and quality Catalan cuisine which uses seasonal products from our region.
      In working days our menu costs 15€ (VAT included) except holidays and in August. At the weekends we offer you our menu with lots of proposals and recommendations. You can also enjoy our traditional breakfasts.
      We are working on Catalan specialties, which change depending on the season, like mixed stock, grilled onion soup, wild boar “civet”, seasonal mushrooms, mushroom sauce to go with steak, peas with sausages and bacon, grilled cannelloni, barbecued meat with beans, duck maigret with orange and crystallized pear sauce, cod cooked in different ways…
      The quality and the abundance are two of our characteristics. Rafel and his team work to get the best result.
      To go with the meal, we also provide you from a varied wine selection of different appellation of origin, basically Catalan ones, such as Priorat, Empordà, Montsant, Penedès, Pla del Bages, Somontano i Rioja.
      The restaurant has got two dining rooms, the main one whose capacity is 102 people and the small one, in the ground floor and close to the carden, whose capacity is for 40 people.

      Ca l’Agnès

      El Baiés de la Costa
      08470 Fogars de Montclús
      609 179 804

      Capacity 8 peoples

      Restaurant Slow Food:

      Options and/or ideas of interest:
      Hiking ( G.R. 5.2 is close to our house) 1,5h excursion to the peak of Turó de l’Home, chestnuts and mushrooms in a plantation of about 100 hectares.



      ECOTOURISM. It works autonomously by means of renewable energiesCountry house built in the 17th Century which was restaured in a lovely way. It can be rent by families and groups.
      It has:
      -Totally equipped kitchen
      -2 double rooms (1 bed)
      -2 double rooms (2 beds)
      -Service of towels, bed sheets, blankets…
      -Chimney (fire on the floor)

      Hostal Avet Blau

      Ctra. Sant Celoni a Sant Marçal BV-5114, km 21
      08470 Fogars de Montclús
      653 76 78 90

      Capacity up to 28 people. (7double rooms, all of them have truckle beds)
      Festive day Monday and Tuesday (accept festive). Festive day to the August: Monday
      Vacances Opened during all the year except parties of Christmas and Kings


      Restaurant Slow Food:

      We are privileged to be situated in one of the most spectacular natural environments in Catalonia, the Natural Park of Montseny. We’re close to some trekking paths, which will lead you to some of the highest picks in the park, such as Turó de l’Home and Agudes. The Santa Fe valley offers you some amazing views with its lush beech wood in all seasons of the year.
      Come and spend a weekend in our hotel, in the middle of this beautiful environment and discover the forests in Santa Fe del Montseny valley. Enjoy the local gastronomy in the restaurant and the nature while doing some trekking paths from our hotel. Discovering the legends from the valley, the flora and fauna, the walking and VTT tours will be some of the activities we propose you!

      The hotel has got seven external double rooms, with heating and full bathroom. Four of these rooms have got a double bed with a truckled bed, perfect for children. The other three rooms have got two single rooms, a truckled bed, perfect for children, and a terrace.
      We also offer a living room for guests with a fire place, a games room, a reading room and a television.
      The accommodation is open on Friday, Saturday and holidays, and we also open all days in August.
      We would also like to offer you a good meal in a familiar and warm environment while giving you the opportunity to accommodate you.
      Come and discover it!

      Hotel Ou de Reig

      Ctra. Santa Maria de Palautordera a Seva, km 11,25
      08469 Fogars de Montclús
      93 847 30 49

      Capacity 70 people
      Festive day Between week
      Holidays Parties of Christmas and Second fortnight of August

      Restaurant Slow Food:

      Small family hostel-restaurant with 7 welcoming rooms in front of the river Tordera in middle of the Natural Park of Montseny.
      Carefully prepared dishes with home-made desserts (leek pie, steak fricandeau with pine kernels and wild mushrooms, duck al orange, Mató(traditional cottage cheese) with “angel hair”, raspberry pie and more).