Have you ever visited Viladrau?
What to do in Viladrau
- Walk through the village and discover it
- Visit Espai Montseny
- Visit more of 200 sources situated in the area
- La Sala: The farm where the famous bandit Serrallonga was born
- Ermitage of l’Erola
- Ermitage of Sant Miquel de Barretons and Sanctuaire of Sant Segimon
- Visit the Chestnut of 9 branches | (local path C-81).
- Visit Castanya de Viladrau
- Do a guided route with Santa Marta|Viladrau Educació
- Accommodate or eat at Hotel Xalet la Coromina
For further information, visit the tourist office in Viladrau, situated in Espai Montseny!
Migdia, 1 | 17406 Viladrau | +34 93 884 80 35 | turisme@viladrau.cat | www.viladrau.cat