This February…visit Viladrau!

Have you ever visited Viladrau?


What to do in Viladrau

  • Walk through the village and discover it
  • Visit Espai Montseny
  • Visit more of 200 sources situated in the area
  • La Sala: The farm where the famous bandit Serrallonga was born
  • Ermitage of l’Erola
  • Ermitage of Sant Miquel de Barretons and Sanctuaire of Sant Segimon
  • Visit the Chestnut of 9 branches | (local path C-81).
  • Visit Castanya de Viladrau
  • Do a guided route with Santa Marta|Viladrau Educació
  • Accommodate or eat at  Hotel Xalet la Coromina


For further information, visit the tourist office in Viladrau, situated in Espai Montseny!
Migdia, 1 | 17406 Viladrau | +34 93 884 80 35 | |



Advice in case of snow at Natural Park of Montseny

In winter, Natural Park of Montseny can be freezed or it can even snow. Short days, snow and ice plate make people take precautions in case you walk or drive through the park.

When it snows at Natural Park of Montseny, the visitors attendance increases. It is important avoiding those behaviours which don’t respect the environment (such as throwing the rubbish on the snow).

Here we recommend some basic advice:


  • Do not park the car on the road, only in indicated and legal car parks.
  • Drive carefully and follow the signs and guards indications.
  • Do not threw or bury the rubbish under the snow; put them in the containers or keep them with you.

The weather forecast at Natural Park of Montseny will be found in this link

Come to Monteny by public transport

Bus Parc Montseny
From  October the 12th, come to Montseny Narural Park with combined public transport,  (train+ Bus Parc), on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays all year long.

Bus 1

  • Sant Celoni Train Station
  • Sant Martí Vell – Carretera Vella
  • Information Centre of Fogars de Montclús (rotonda BV-5114 – BV-5119)

Transfer to bus 2

Bus 2

  • Information Centre of Fogars de Montclús (rotonda BV-5114 – BV-5119)
  • Campins
  • Path 2 Can Riera de Ciuret
  • Path of Sant Cristòfol
  • Path of Can Carbonell
  • Santa Fe de Montseny



Bus 1

  •  Sant Celoni Train Station
  • Sant Martí – Carretera Vella
  • Information Centre of Fogars de Montclús (rotonda BV-5114 – BV-5119)
  • Mosqueroles
  • La Costa de Montseny
  • Les Feixes del Vilar
  • Path of Càmping de Fontmartina
  • Fontmartina


  • Free for children under 12
  • Single ticket, 2,20 euros
  • Combined tiket train RENFE + Bus, 10,80 euros return ticket from Barcelona; 7 euros from any station of stretch Granollers Centre – Maçanet – Massanes; and 13,10 euros from any station of any stretch Girona – Sils




Consells per collir bolets

La tradició d’anar a collir bolets és molt popular al nostre país. Sovint, però, se’n desconeixen les característiques i no es té prou cura a l’hora de collir-ne. El bolet és l’òrgan reproductor d’un organisme filamentós, el fong, que viu en el sòl del bosc. Els fongs duen a terme una funció essencial de reciclatge: la descomposició de la fullaraca.

Aquesta tardor… visita Aiguafreda

Aiguafreda es un municipi que pertany al Vallès Oriental a l’extrem nord-occidental del massís del Montseny, entre la riera d’Avencó i el torrent de Martinet. El terme és relativament petit i boscat de pins i alzines.